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Expert Solar Services for Your Energy Needs

Domestic Solar Panels

Imagine waking up every day powered by the sun – a power source that’s abundant, clean, and completely free! With our solar solutions, this dream can be your reality. Switching to solar doesn’t just mean savings on your energy bills, it means taking control of your own energy use, and doing your bit for our precious planet. Our panels are easy to install, reliable, and will blend seamlessly into your home design. They aren’t just an investment in your home, they’re an investment in a brighter, greener future for you and your loved ones. So why wait? Join the solar revolution today and enjoy the sunny side of life!

Domestic Solar Panels
Battery Storage

Battery Storage

Embrace energy independence with our premium Battery Storage solutions, a perfect complement to your solar installation that allows you to store surplus solar energy for later use. Offering continuous power supply and additional savings, our durable battery storage systems from top manufacturers cater to both residential and commercial needs. Our experts will guide you to choose a system that aligns with your energy consumption and budget, and ensure seamless integration with your existing solar PV system. With our Battery Storage solutions, you can maximize the benefits of your solar investment, enjoying uninterrupted power, reduced energy costs, and a significant step towards a sustainable, energy-efficient future.

Pigeon Proofing

Ensure the longevity of your solar installations with our Pigeon Proofing service. Pigeons and other birds can cause significant damage to your solar panels, resulting in decreased performance and costly repairs. Our team of experts use high-quality, non-harmful deterrents to keep birds away, safeguarding your investment while maintaining the environmental harmony. With our Pigeon Proofing service, you can prolong the life of your solar system, maintain peak performance, and avoid unnecessary repair costs. Trust us to provide an efficient solution to protect your renewable energy asset from avian interference.

Pigeon Proofing

Car Charging

Enjoy the convenience of charging your electric vehicle right at home with our easy-to-use Car Charging Solutions. Our chargers are quick, reliable, and compatible with 95% of EV models. Our team handles everything from installation to ongoing support, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Embrace the benefits of sustainable driving with our cost-effective and eco-friendly charging options. Make the switch to a smarter, greener lifestyle with Affinity Solar Solutions, and power your journey from the comfort of your home.

PV Maintenance

Maximize your solar system’s lifespan and efficiency with our comprehensive PV Maintenance service. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensuring your solar panels perform at their best and to prolong their operational life. Our expert team conducts thorough inspections, cleaning, and system optimizations, addressing potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs. We tailor our maintenance routines to each system’s specific needs, considering factors like local climate, panel orientation, and system age. Trust our PV Maintenance service to keep your solar system in peak condition, ensuring optimal performance, extended lifespan, and continued savings on your energy bills.

PV Maintenance Services
PV Fault Diagnostic

PV Fault Diagnostics

Experience peace of mind with our PV Fault Diagnostics service, a vital part of maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your solar system. Solar PV systems, while generally robust, can occasionally exhibit faults or performance issues. Our team of skilled technicians leverages cutting-edge diagnostic tools and years of industry experience to quickly identify and resolve these issues, preventing minor faults from escalating into major problems. From underperformance and physical damage to wiring issues and inverter faults, we have you covered. Our PV Fault Diagnostics service ensures your solar investment continues to deliver optimal energy production and maximum savings.

Off Grid Systems

Step into the world of true energy independence with our Off-Grid Solar Systems. Ideal for locations with limited or no access to the grid, these systems provide a reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective power solution. We offer comprehensive off-grid services, which include system design, component selection, installation, and maintenance. Our team of experts ensures that each system is customized to meet your unique energy needs, considering factors like location, energy consumption, and budget. With high-quality solar panels, efficient inverters, and robust battery storage, our Off-Grid Solar Systems offer a reliable, self-sufficient power supply. Choose our Off-Grid Solar Systems for an energy solution that’s not only eco-friendly, but also liberating, empowering you to control your energy production and consumption.

Off Grid Systems